Sunday, August 30, 2009

Other interests

Okay, so not so much crafty, but I am also interested in things that pamper.

My friend, Anne, was my enabler when it came to Lush cosmetics.

So far, I have used a number of their products and have had some hits and misses.

When it comes to hair, I am a big fan of their solid shampoo bars. Karma Komba smells nice and seems to work well. I love that it saves plastic and hardly takes up any space. I currently have almost used up my bar and I got it at the beginning of June, so it has a good run. Next up to try, since it has already been purchased, is Squeeky Green.

For conditioners, I am still not sold. I like Retread the best so far. I am not totally sold that it is a triple moisturizer that it says it is, but I also think you need to use more than you think you should. While Jungle smelled great, I am an ease of use girl and melting down the solid chunks in my hand before use just doesn't make it practical to me. I also tried out Coolaulin. Now if you are a lover of coconut, which I am definitely not, then this might be for you if you need moisture. For me, I just can't get passed the smell.

Next up, deodorants. Lots of people say to try out the natural deodorant, so I did. I have to say, I prefer my Secret. First one to try was the Aromacreme, which as I was looking for a link for, isn't listed on the site now. Maybe all of the blistered and irritated pits had them remove it. Luckily, I happened to be looking on their forum site and caught on to what was happening before it got bad. Returned that and tried the Aromarant. This one is better and doesn't irritate the skin, but if you are going to be hot and smelly, doesn't cut it for the long run. One of the sales associates recommended that I carry a small chunk of it with me during the day to reapply, but if I had time for that, then I would also have time to completely freshen up. Nope, I am about the deodorant that I don't have to keep reapplying.

One thing that is a love is the Lemony Flutter. This stuff is awesome for taking care of the rough skin on your body. It makes quick work of the cracked skin on heals and also smoothes out your cuticles on your hands and makes your nails look good.

Another area that includes faves is the facial skin care. I love Dark Angels. It is this black cleanser that makes my skin super smooth and feeling fresh. It does leave a bit of a residue, so either you can clean it up with a toner (I use the Tea Tree Water), lots more water, or another gentle cleanser (here, I actually use Bare Essentials Rare Minerals, but that is for a later time). On other days, I use their Fresh Farmacy, which is great for helping fight my acne and redness. Yes, I still break out, but I think that for the most part, the pimples are smaller and disappear faster. This can dry out your skin, so I am sure to use a moisturizer, which I have to like Enzymion. The only item for the face that I haven't been impressed with, so far, is the Greased Lightening. It is supposed to help with pimples, but I don't really think it did much at all.

I guess that isn't true, the other round of items that just didn't seem to impress me were the masks. I tried the Cosmetic Warrior, Brazened Honey and Cupcake. All of these are fresh masks and need to be purchased in the store, which is why I think they aren't listed on the site. I love masks, so I am always on the lookout for a good one, so far, Lush doesn't seem to match with me.

On to bath stuff, I guess I don't totally understand bath bombs. I have tried to of them, Vanilla Mountain and Seanik, which I am now not seeing on the site. Both create a nice smell and make the water all fizzy, but I guess I just need to try them more. Seanik, though, had this seaweed in the ball that just made a mess of my tub, so I wouldn't try that again. One of the big suggestions here was to not use the whole ball at one. Break it up and use bits of it or a half or quarter.

Another bath use was the Bubble Bars. Now these intrigue me and need more use, since I was unaware of how much of the bar I really needed to use. To get the bubbles to last longer, you need to use at least a quarter of the bar and not just a corner of it. So far, I have tried Bathos and French Kiss, but not an entire bar of either.

I think that is it for now. If I have missed any, I will post about them later.

Anything special out there that you have tried and suggest?

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