Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have been exploring different ways to be creative

and have really been enjoying the Omnisketch app for my iPad. Using the mirror technique plus the many colors, it is kind of therapeutic. I enjoy the different brushes and how they kind if shade in themselves. I think it might even be more interesting if I get that pogo stylus. I was looking at the different dawning apes and ended downloading the Brushes app, but I have nothing to show from that yet. Have you ever noticed how others make drawing look so easy? Well, it will take a little more practice (okay,a lot) before I have anything to show on that front.

I have been getting more into the creative spirit again, which is nice. I made two rings recently and a new necklace. It is refreshing. Now I just need to take some pictures to show you.

That's all for now. G'night.

-just because.