Friday, July 3, 2009

Keeping up the crafty (and posting same night too)

Yup, I am actually posting something the same night I finished it, which is really cool for me. It is an ultimate goal, but I am not going to should on myself.

Awhile ago, I bought all the makings (well, save for the marbles) to create a box to hold some of the perfumes I have from BPAL. I think that was months ago.

I finally finished it. Sure, it is neat, but I think the kind of cool touch is all the marbles on top giving it a lot of texture. Of course, it is now a bit top heavy, so I will just have to be aware of that when I open it.

So here is the basic grey line that I used. I love the butterflies in the darker colors.

But here is the texture fun. I was actually surprised that I had enough sizes to fit it right.

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